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logo v2 with SITE-blue shadow 100wEmbracing the Internet is an essential component in the modern world. Additionally, it is a great resource for kids; it is not only educational but also used for entertainment, communication and interaction with others. However, the benefits attained by the advancement of technology bring with it associated risks, in particular, the exposure of children to pornography and sexual predators.

Everyone has heard the stories of the “Dark Side” of the Internet. While it is not necessary to repeat the statistics, which are quite significant, parents are (or should be) concerned what their children may encounter while surfing the net. These encounters, whether intentional or accidental, can, and all too often, have regrettable consequences.

As part of our dedication to Internet Security for the family, we offer SafeToSurf. SafeToSurf is the solution to protect your children, from not only the pornography and sexually explicit material, but from the predators and pedophiles that seek out children in chat rooms, instant messaging and e-mail for sexual exploitation.

Our firm has developed a revolutionary service that offers parents/families a risk free approach to surf the World Wide Web. Our process, simply described, blocks objectionable material from reaching the user. Our process is ‘server -side’ which means that even the most clever user cannot circumvent the process. ALL web requests pass through our ‘hardware gateway ensuring that only acceptable web sites are accessible.

SafeToSurf is the only ’application-independent’ Internet filtering and access control software on the market today that gives you protection where and when you need it. A powerful data collection feature allows you to review the inappropriate and potentially harmful material caught by SafeToSurf.

SafeToSurf utilizes the most advanced Internet filtering software package available today. As a parent, it is not always possible to be present to continuously monitor your child’s computer activity. The software was designed with this in mind and it will monitor or filter undesired predatory, and sexually explicit computer traffic.

But we provide additional protection(s) as well for the family. There are several computer programs that allow users access to the internet that do not use conventional browsers. Our youth are becoming more and more sophisticated in utilizing these applications to gain access to undesirable and often dangerous material. We have developed an extremely robust, yet efficient program which provides the parent with full reporting of ALL internet activity. In addition to blocking objectionable material, SafeToSurf has the ability to capture the screen when questionable material is accessed. This data is stored in a secure database for review. When a screen capture is taken, SafeToSurf’s email notification will alert you. Additional safeguards, soon to be implemented, will provide immediate notification to the parent in the event objectionable communications are attempted with our youth while online.

As a parent,
you must be concerned with the dark side of the Internet.

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